Khoirunnisa, currently working at IT company in Bandung as a Corporate Business Development Representative. Since I left Bandung after graduating from college, I can't help my self to not love this city. Born in Bekasi January 24th 1992 and having a very luvley family. Alhamdulillah.

My passion is traveling, especially traveling abroad. Nah, do not say I didn't love my country, of course I am. But I want to see something totally different outside this country. A very different culture, language, interesting places, the people, even their currency, anything. The excitement is just... different. But If I have chances, I also want to discover the whole Indonesia.

I love doing social activities, social project. I love playing with my community of Save Street Child Bandung. I can learn so much from them. And yes, I am an extrovert person. You can see me talking too much, that is why I took Communication Science major back in my university life.

Being the last daughter somehow caused me to be a spoiled person, but now I'm trying so hard to reduce that character. What else do you wanna know? Oh yes, I love my parents beyond everything (after Allah SWT hehehe). Ayah Umi is my source of happiness. It's been 5 years since I left Bekasi and stay in Bandung, but my level of loving them is never changed, even it keeps growing.

Basicly, I'm a person who you can laugh at because back in my elementery school I had some diaries, I wrote so many writings, unimportant ones. What is so wrong by having a diary? Basicly I love to write, but limited to only write my own experiences/my feelings. Since we have internet, this is probably the 4th blogs that I have ever created. It's very hard to consistently writing day by day and ended up I forgot all the emails and passwords. This is the last blog that I have, and I really want to keep this 'alive'.

Chaotic Alphabet, because I will write anything unimportant, consists of hundreds of chaotic alphabet.
I hope you can enjoy reading this blog, dear future me. XX.

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