Selasa, 18 November 2014

What's happening, Chacu?


10 quick things about my current life since January 2014 up until now.

1.  January, Got  birthday suprised by these lovely people; MSF, Via, Nindi Gigi and PERIMATRIK. Love!

2. February, Celebrated my Dad’s 60 birthday at Puncak, with the WHOLE MEMBER of H.M Djahi. 6 daughters, 5 sons in law, and 14 grand childrens! Trust me, we need a thousand years to finally gather with the whole family. And we did it!

3.  March, I had my final defense. After struggling with my final paper for 6 months, I am finally a bachelor degree of marketing communication!

4. April, after my final defense, I decided to traveling first before applying to some companies to work. Yes, I used my own money (I worked as a freelance at Telkom Indonesia for 2 months). I went to Vietnam & Singapore & Bali (I will tell about the trip later!).

5. May-July. After traveling, I looked for a job and applied to some companies. Tested by 5-7 companies and finally got accepted at Markplus Inc, as a business executive.

6. June, had my 1st anniversary with MSF and we went to Waterboom PIK (this is his wish since he has never been to waterboom, and he was that EXCITED! Hahahaha.

7.  August, graduation day and had my first day of working in the office!!!

8. September, only one month since I worked for Markplus, I got accepted by Frisian Flag Indonesia as MT (management trainee) Corporate. What a blessed. Working in multinational company and being MT have always been my dream since I was graduated from college. Allah is good, always good! I’M A LUCKIEST GIRL ON EARTHHHHHH. Alhamdulillah.

9. October, I had ups and downs (but mostly downs) through working as MT Corporate at one of the biggest dairy milk industry in Indonesia. I ever thought to resign because I can’t stand any longer with my project and working environment……

10. Family; Ayah & Umi are still the only reason why I keep holding on at this company.

Catch ya later, virtual version of me!