Minggu, 20 September 2015

Bandung - Singapore - Vietnam


I am going to write about my trip, Bandung-Vietnam, alone. April 2014.
Not literally alone, in Vietnam I met my friend from aiesec.

So yes, I went to some other countries but this time is different.
I need to go to Vietnam with my own self. Bandung - Singapore - Vietnam.
Actually, this was my 1st time traveling solo.

My friend took me to Husein airport in Bandung, he left when I came to check in and passed immigration check.

I was feeling excited yet scared, oh anyway I brought my own self defense which made by water mix with chili, hahahaha. That was a spray, chili spray. I made that when I was in dorm. I will use it if a stranger wants to do something bad to me, hahahaha. We need to be more careful right?

@husein airport. my one and only backpack for a week
So I was waiting at the airport alone, waiting for take off. It's a bit weird actually that I was going alone. Because you know , i'm type a person who can't eat alone; watch movie alone; traveling alone; i'm type a person who needs a companion. But, I found out that if I went abroad for traveling, I am able to traveling alone, sooo excited! I don't know what makes that different, but I just love the feeling.

On plane, I was sitting right next to a mother and a little baby son.
Me: "what a cute babyyy hello dearrr"
His mom: "hello auntie... what will you do in SG?"
Me: "just transit mam, for about 4 hours"
His mom: "ohh where are you going then? are you alone?"
Me: "Vietnam mam, yes, i am alone"
His mom: "waw, you are very brave! take care and have a safe trip"

and we talked more but I forgot the rest, she went to SG because his son was about to take surgery, I hope he's okay now, Aminn.

That was my first time flying alone, away from parents and friends. 
2 hours flight and I'm arrived in Singapore.

Touched Changi airport and my feeling was flying back to 2012, 2 years ago.

I went to SG with my two Bandung friends, Sitin and Irwan. We stayed here at Changi for 2 nights.
We were lack of money, we traveled as a really backpacker. We were slept at the floors, with all of our luggages hide our body, that was very cold!!! i couldn't even slept any longer, I moved out of Changi. Sat outside the building, on the chair that used to wait for taxi. I slept there, sitting. Very warm outside. The second night, me Irwan and Sitin moved to a parking area, Irwan was the one who suggest this. And yes, it was warm there. You know, we were sleeping infront of the lift! close to emergency stairs! hahahaha I was very proud with my self! We woke up in the morning because of the sound of people who wanted to use lift, and they were looking at us! hahahaha.

I could never forget that memories. Being a backpacker wasn't that bad at all, I even proud with my self \m/

This time, I just transit. I didn't know where to go.
I had my backpack which is carrier.
The carrier is big, I was like a mountain climber.

After arrived, I was scrolling around Changi alone, and looking for my second flight to Vietnam, where was it, where did I need to check in. After finding the place, I went around again and again. I was actually about to go out from Changi and wanted to have lunch at China town. But when I was about to go out, I asked someone about which MRT should I take, and he said, it's better if I stay in Changi instead of going alone, he was afraid of my flight time, he said it would not be enough. So yes I took that advice and just stay at Changi for a couple of hours.

Went to mosque, searching for a free wifi and how to use it, post anything on instagram and path, etc etc. Killing time.

I even asked stranger to take a picture of me.
Me: "sir, can you do me a favor? please take a picture of me standing infront of this airport sign"
Him: "oh no problem"
Me:"thank you very much Sir"
Him: "where are you from (he is europian I supposed)? are you traveling alone?!"
Me: "Indonesia,yes I am"
Him: "wow, please be careful"

Again, strangers asked me.
and i dont know why, i felt like i was cool. hahaha.

4 hours have passed, it is time to check in!
I knew already the place where I need to check in so I won't get lost. Been strolling around Changi for 4 hours I think I remember Changi's maps! hahaha.

Passed the security checked and came in to the plane.
My bag was quite big and someone helped me put my bag.
There are a lot of asian on the plane. a lot.
I think 90%  asian the rest are europe/american.

I was very excitedddd! Vietnam I'm comingggggg!
Arrived in Vietnam around 8pm, i was excited at its best.
Went out of plane, took my huge backpack, passed immigration checked. I was walking all alone and watch out of everyone around. Can't believe I'm in Vietnam with my own self!

Went out of the airport (btw the airport is not that good, less than Cengkarang I supposed), I was searching for a cab. You know, some eyes looked at me. They asked me to go with their cab, I kept saying no thank you and directly left them. I walked to taxi station, I knew what cab should I take. My Vietnamese friend, Mr Phi, he told me to take this good taxi, most safety taxi of all. I forgot the name. I found that cab and came inside the cab. I was so brave that I didn't think what might be happen when I locked the door. But one thing, I kept that chili spray in my hand! hahaha. Thank God that the airport security didn't take it from me. I gave the driver a name of the street and a name of a hostel, my friend gave me, so I will meet him there. Wow, Chacu is in Vietnam, using cab alone, with only one carrier. Solo traveling? challenge successfully accepted!!!

I kept praying that the driver will not bring me to somewhat scary place, I pray that he will send me to the right destination. And yes, he was. Thank God I'm safe and sound. The cost for the cab was actually predictable, because my Vietnamese friend already told me about that. So I paid  him with Vietnam currency which I brought from Bandung. After that, I went to the hostel where me and my friend will sleep. I came to the hostel, waited for my friend but he was not there. So I asked a man who owned this hostel that I need to call someone, to pick me up here. I knew his number so I called him, luckily, after few minutes, he came. I WAS LIKE VERRRRYYY HAPPY TO FINALLY HAVE A COMPANION HEREEE, and he was my ex, to be exact. He went to Cambodia first for a couple of days, and we met here, in Vietnam. But now, I will just call him a friend :)

After I met him, we walked to the hostel named The Hideout Hostel, this one is recommended! Cheap, clean, and there were many cool backpackers. Go check http://www.vietnamhideouthostels.com/the-hideout-hostel-saigon.html

After I put my bag, I went outside to met my Vietnamese friend. We texted each other since I was in Indonesia. His name is Phi. I knew him from my AIESEC friend, he was sooo kind!!! moreover, he's very smart! It was very nice to meet you brother Phi :)

After I met Phi, we walked around Pham Ngu Lao, the famous street for backpacker. It was around 10pm, after that I went back to hostel, because the day after, I visited Mui Ne, a beautiful city in Vietnam, yaey!

*to be continue*

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