Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

Teaching times! :---D

Continuing my old post about my exchange project in China (June 2012)

Here, I will tell you full stories when I taught these loooooovely students, I miss them like krazey :--((

I taught 2 classes in Ruian High School, class 9th and 10th. They were actually at the first year, but devided into 12 classes. Both times were arranged by the teacher there, I just need to follow the schedule given. The early morning class started at 7am, and the latest at 8pm! (they studied like hell, but for a good way). One day I could taught 2 classes/1class, depends on the schedule.

At first I was worried whether I can make it or not. Whether I can be a good teacher or not. Whether they will accept me or not. My grammar was and still, sucks. My knowledge about how to teach english lesson was zero. One thing that I have was only... courage. I want to be their close friends, I want to play with them. That was it.

Until I finally came to the class..... they were all very shocked  "who the hell this girl coming to class wearing that awkward scarf". I was enjoying their 'shocking' face while staring at me. Some of them were whispering at each other 'pssst pssst who is she who is she'. I smiled at them, step by step introducing my self. But then after I introduced my self, after we talked, after we discussed about the lessons and everything, they were all uber cute!!! They were accept me like really, I was starting to love them :')

These are the picture of class 9 during class session:

Hello class 9! My messy table and their lovely faces

I love their spirit when I asked them to bond with other students

One of my favorite student! look at the girl behind, she's so active and funny! <3 td="">

Hey look at my camera: and they gave me their lovely smile!

Sing a song times!

Even boys are very active and attractive to each other, I love them!

My awesome boyband! :D
They are all bery cute and funny!!!

"Teacher, I want to take a picture with you" :""")
Class 9 were oh-sooooo-active and lovely!!! I could even stayyy longer than I should, I was not their teacher, i was their close friends! <333 font="">

I still have one class to teach, class 10. Compare to class 9, this class was quite calm but of course, very lovely!

These are the picture of class 10 during class session:

My messy table and my shy-at-first students at class 10

Our first meeting, my first time capturing them
Say cheeseeee!

This is when we had a sing-a-song lessons, at first they were all very shy, but after 2-3times, they even requested some songs!
I showed them the video about Indonesia

Peace! that man behind is actually the real teacher there, and he was so kind!

Trying so hard to take a pict with my students :""D

Come on take a picture with me, and this is the result hahaha

This my favorite yet funny part in class! every 1 hour, a song played in each class, chinese song. That was a time when the students need to take a rest by doing a massage to their face. Every 30 seconds they will move the massage from cheek to eyes to forehead to nose. The purpose is not to make them feel sleepy, and to freshen up their face. 


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