Jumat, 24 Juli 2015


Seems like my blog is the only place where I can talk too much, about anything. I can be me, totally me.

I'm in the mood to write about my 10 current condition statements:

1. Syukron ya Rabb I have bunch of lovely office mates, 1 minute walk to office from dorm (bye traffic madness!), good ceo, good team. Luv.

2. Another point why I love my current office is that the men are diligently praying in mosque, every dzuhur and ashar, everyday. Sometimes I joined them, and now it keeps getting often that I also praying at mosque with them. They influenced me a lot, a positive ones. That is why happiness by working is not coming only by how huge your salary is, but how good your coworker are until they can change you to be a better person everyday, both dunya and jannah. Inshaa Allah.

3. I can't belive that it's almost 2 months that I have been using skirt to wherever I am! Chacu with skirt? every single day? YASSS :"""D

4. Currenly loving to youtube-ing about "Kajian Marifatullah AA Gym". I need someone to remind me of Allah, everyday. There's a friend of mine who keeps tagging me on IG if she found something good for me to read. I thank her to keep reminding me to be much closer to Allah SWT. She's my friend until Jannah, Inshaa Allah.

5. Left Ramadhan and Idul Fitri with sad and happy feeling at the same time. Sad because Ramadhan is 70times holy-er than other 11 months so if we do good we will have a lot of rewards from Allah. Happy because I had a chance to meet Idul Fitri without worrying about any sins I made since I have broke up with my ex. So pure, so 'clean'. Idul Fitri this year is a moment when I can be a really NEW me. I mean, back in 2007-2014, I had some boyfriends. Which meant those 8 years, I had a lot of sins. God hated me because I was in a relationship before Ijab Qabul. Those 8 years were the darkest time of my life. 8 years were gone wasted and useless. Every Idul Fitri, they said we had 0 sins, God forgive us. But then what happen after that? Allahu'alam. And this year, I don't feel like I want to scratch any sins any longer, I won't have boyfriend before Akad, I won't have those kind of wrong relationships. What I want to do is only to be much closer with Allah SWT. 8 years were more than enough. Oh man, I hate my past 8 years back. But I thank Allah that He woke me up, after all this time. Thank you, Alhamdulillah.

6. I had these thoughts on mind about some future's plan;
  • Continuing my master degree at night, but working in the morning.
  • No master degree, but start learning and start reading a lot of books about marketing/communication business after office hour. And having a plan to 'test' my knowledge by my managers.
  • No master degree, but joining SSG at Daarut Tauhid starting this september-november (on every weekends).
  • Applying to a new company located in Bekasi, close to my house.
Well actually I really want to continue my master, since my parents also asked me to do so. Working and studying at the same time. I knew this would be very tiring for me, for my brain, my mind, my body. I also have no idea if someday my job would disturbs my study (If my boss sent me out of the city). Like, there are some things that I am afraid of. But honestly, I want to continue study. I'm kind of lack of knowledge now, that is why I need to read more books by my own. I want to be a better me both dunya and jannah. This is for my dunya, of course. "seek knowledge as much as you can, until you die, and spread it to everyone needed"--hadist. So there is no way that I don't want to continue my master. But until I type this, I have no decision to be taken yet. God please show me the way...

7. I am able to cook!!! oh God finally. If I had not stay at my current dorm, I wouldn't be able to cook, forever. Hahahaha. I love the kitchen that is why I love to cook (and also there are no food stalls near my dorm -_-). I made some simple dishes but I love eating that such as; sambel(!), tumis kangkung, tumis kerang, sayur sop, sup makaroni, cream soup, spageti, nasi goreng pete, tahu & tempe goreng, etc etc which costs very cheap and easy to make! I AM PROUD TO BE MEEEEEE hahahaha. Dear my future husband, no need to worry about my cooking ability, trust me! :---D

8. My laptop is broken and I use a laptop from my company which isss using Ubuntu, not microsoft. I was lyke................ WHAT IS THIS? WHY IN THE WORLD THEY NEED TO CREATE UBUNTU WHILE MICROSOFT IS SO MUCH EASIER AND USER FRIENDLY?!*&#^%)(@# but then my friend helped me to understand this and yas i'm getting used to use this laptop.....

9. I miss traveling abroad :_______________________________________________(((

10. I am back in facebook! eventhough i haven't share some posts yet (only instagram/path feeds), but will do it soon!

That's all. Catch ya later virtual version of me!