Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Welcome back, college routines!


This is it! I decided to continue my master degree! Hell yeah, in my 'favorite' university on earth, Telkom University..................................................
Well, this is the best option of all. I paid by my own, no scholarship, and I need to work in the morning, study at night. Due to some reasons, Tel-U is the best choice to continue my master :')
But hey! the quality is not based on which university, but with our own quality in study! I've been studying there for 3 days, and I felt so ALIVE! I mean, my head is keeps thinking and running and learning, my social life is good since I met new friends in class, and my body is even more healthy since I need to walk around 15 minutes to go to my university! Slim and healthy body, I am comin for you! ...........................................
Oh and for one month, my first subject is Case Method and Critical Reading which isss my favorite! Discuss some case, group discussion, presentation. Alhamdulillah.
I pray to Allah SWT that I can do balance between my job and my study, I pray that He keeps give me a healthy body everytime. Amin Allahumma Amin.
I will talk about the case on my blog but not today, perhaps later. Bye! 
Catch ya later, virtual version of me!


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