Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Hangzhou, where the project was started.

.............After eating dinner, we went to the station and we met another OC (organizing committee) of the project. Candy and Bara. They waited for us since we still at the airport :’) we run to catch the last bus because it was 7pm at that time. We are coming, Hangzhou. After 2.5hours, we arrived at this a bit busy city, Hangzhou. I forgot to mention that Ningbo was so peace, not too many people even trasportation there. I also forgot wheather I use taxi or walk to come to my dorm, I just remembered that my luggage was so HUGE and I got room at 5th floor, OMG (this guy was helping me a lot). And tada, this is my room for a couple days. My roommate is Viet, from Vietnam. She’s cute :> aaaaand I met Renny, another Indonesian EP who already in China for a week. Her room is in front of my room.

My bed for a couple of days here in Hangzhou. Never ever thought that my room would be this comfortable.

Viet, my room mate. She came from Hanoi, Vietnam.

 Our dining room. That room belongs to Renny, EP from Indonesia.
                June 26th 2014. The project was officially started. We used bus and went to a hall in Zhejiang University for the opening project of Dare to Dream, China. Zhejiang University is number one university in Hangzhou. Here, we also had Global Village. Global Village is showcasing about our culture. I wore Kebaya and brought Angklung to this event.


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