Senin, 12 Mei 2014

How it all started.

          I always wanted to go abroad, to wherever it is, since—junior high school. I had no chance to do it back then cause of these; First, my parents are, well too Indonesians, Bekasians to be exact. And they had no adventure nor traveling blood. The only country they would probably go for going abroad is Arab Saudi, to do Hajj. No holiday, no travel, to the different country. Never; Second, I am the last child in my family, yet my sisters and brother also didn’t have those going-abroad-passion. It’s hard to have a permission when I want to do travel only with my friend;
           It came up with the conclusion, I need to do something/business/job if i want to go abroad. I mean, i HAVE to do something there, that country needs me (meh) thus it will break those not-allow-reasons above. No scholarships and competitions chances (Come on Chacu). Until one day I met this international organization—in my... university life. International organization which want us to be the volunteer for doing social activities, and the minimum is for six weeks, yes six. And I dont have to pay for the house and food, only flight ticket. I was like ‘MAN, I NEED TO JOIN THIS ORGANIZATION SO IT CAN HELP ME TO REACH MY GOING-ABROAD-DREAM’ And yes, i tried so hard to be the member. I was finally passed the 3 steps and accepted to be the member. Alhamdulilah (YES YES I WILL GOING ABROAD FOR A REASON MAN YES YES YES).
          So here I am, telling you a story on how i am finally reached my little dream, i went abroad—to five countries : ))
June 25th-1 August 2012.
           You dont know how excited I was. I chose China for doing the project and it was Dare to Dream. I taught senior high school students in Wenzhou for 2 weeks, and summer school students in Zhangzhou for two 2 weeks. I taught them about english (fun way of learning english). I knew that the project will just happen in many cities but not including Shanghai nor Beijing (China without Shanghai and Beijing? Come on) And yes, I made a plan to go there since in Indonesia.
          Here was the route:
China: Ningbo-Hangzhou-Fuyang-Wenzhou-Zhangzhou-Xiamen-Shanghai-Beijing.
Irwan, Me, Sitin. We're ready to have life changing experiences!

               It’s the day! For the first time of my life, I will use plane!!! Hahahahaha. Moreover, the distance that I want to go by plane is quite far, takes around 7hours total. I did transit though at Changi airport about 2 hours then continue my flight to Ningbo, China. After 7 hours of flight, I am finally arrived in... China! I was sooo norak at that time, because you know, i still cant believe that i am finally going abroad :””) HELL YEAH I WAS EXCITED AT ITS WORST!
            My flight was arrived at Ningbo International Airport because I thought the project will start at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (AIESEC UNNC), but then I was wrong. Right after we (Me, Irwan, Sitin) have arrived at the airport, there was someone—a guy, who patienly standing with a paper on his hand and its written ‘AIESECER’ on it. He’s looking for AIESECer and that’ How lovely. His name is....(sht I forgot, will give his pict later). He’s very nice. He helped me with my HUGE luggage, and took a cab for all of us. We went to another city called Hangzhou, where the project activities will start here. Inside cab, I still cant believe that I’m in China, different country that I live for 20 years. Unexplainable feeling. After 35 minutes, we arrived at KFC near bus station (we need to use bus to go to Hangzhou, but then we were very starving so we need to have a dinner first, and yes, kfc was our choice).
This is the cab, I was shocked at first because we look like we're in the cage. That's Jeff who picked us up.

Me, Sitin, and Jeff. Irwan was the one who took this pict.


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