Selasa, 01 September 2015

Case Method


My 1st subject to study is Case Method and Critical Reading;
The lecturer gave me some cases

SIA's Alliances The star Attraction

Parker Pen Co: International Marketing Strategy Review
(I couldn't find it, will upload to dropbox soon, or you can try searching by yourself)

FedEx: The Money Back Guarantee

Made in China? (The Economist)

The world is going to university

Just in case you also want to learn what master's students are learning, you can read the case and start analyze what problems occured and how you solve the problems. Here are the tips to answers:
1. Find facts (5W+1H)
2. Problems: potential problems (major/minor)
3. Analysis: which tools/framework you are using (fish bone, etc etc)
4. Alternative Solution
5. Solution
There's no right/wrong, every answers is okay unless you can explain it well
(there are many perspectives to answer one problem)

More cases to come, will keep you updated! Inshaa Allah.

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