Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

This might be the reason..


a couple of weeks ago, a good friend of mine asked me this question when we were having a deep heart-to-heart conversation;

"Cu I was wondering, how could you be so different? I meant how could you finally decided wearing those big-hijab and socks and skirt--syar'i to sum up"

And I was like... I answered her question with a simple sentences that came up fast in my mind:
"I just don't know, I feel safer with this, I want Allah to love me more, I want to be much closer with Him" that's all.
But inside my head, this is the complete answer for that question:

I want Allah to love me, I don't care what people think about my fashion style any longer (like, what is the advantage for me if they like my style? nothing, compare if Allah loves me).

I feel like I was 'hurting' Allah so many times, many, many times. I was very tired creating sins, mistakes, everything. I was very tired with my jahiliyah times, I don't wanna live there anymore.

You know, i've been 'hurting' Allah since 8 years ago; my bad behaviour, my relationships with some ex-es, my tight clothes (even already covered with hijab), and many more. But yes, instead of Allah angry with me, Allah kept loving me. Allah gave me healty life, lovely parents and family, good college life, good company to work, everything. How could I not want to love Allah back?

Trust me, if you are now in a luvey wuvey relationship with your boyfriend, I've been at your position for 8 years, and I knew, that was a wrong choice i've ever made. You just haven't realize it yet. Perhaps i was the first, and i'd like to tell you this;

It really is doesn't matter if someone/everyone loves you but Allah hates you.

What can they give to you?

love? nothing's much clearer than the love given by Allah..
Allah is the one who own everyone's soul, heart, brain, feeling. Allah is the one who can control all of them.

But why do you want to be loved by His creator instead of The Creator itself?

All I'm trying to do right now is.....
I'm trying so hard to be loved by my Creator, to make Him love me more, because I believe once He love me, everything's will be fine in the end, both now and life after. Plus, I want to reunite with my parents again in heaven, someday. They are all healthy now, safe and sound. But I know, everything belongs to Him will go back to Him, so now I'm preparing my self if someday my parents left me to Jannah, I will be very happy to meet them again there, because of what? because Allah (is on the way) to love me more and will grant all of my wishes, Aminn Allahumma Amin.

That is why, I am becoming a new me, right now :)

Ps: I am still learning, I'm very far from a definition of perfect, so please remind me if i did something wrong, please remind me to keep istiqomah all the time.. please.


Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Pekerjaan yang menghebatkanmu..


Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya mempost gambar ini beserta dengan captionnya:

"Berapa gajimu sampai rela kau tinggalkan solatmu?"
Jadi inget kata Aa Gym:
"Aktifitas utama itu Solat, aktivitas lainnya itu sampingan, termasuk kerja.
Tapi rata" orang skrg mindsetnya kebalik; yang utama itu kerja, solat malah sampingan--entar entaran, ngejar deadline, males dsb. Naudzubillah"

"Padahal Allah udah manggil, kalo direktur manggil aja kita lgsg cepet dateng; kalo Allah manggil, malah entar. Padahal dunia dan segala isinya itu kecil bgt dibanding akhirat"

"Pikir lagi, sibuknya pekerjaan sehingga menomersekiankan Allah, berkah atau tidak? Jabatan dan gaji itu ujian; kalo malah bikin jauh dari Allah itu sia sia, sehebat apapun pekerjaannya, tapi kalo bikin makin dekat dan bersyukur dan menomer 1kan Allah baru pekerjaan, berkah yg di dapat"

Jadi suatu ketika, saya pernah mendengar tausiah dari Aa Gym soal pekerjaan.
Begini kira kira isinya:

"hebat atau tidaknya suatu pekerjaan, bukan dilihat dari besarnya gaji dan tingginya jabatan, itu semua hanya ujian.
pekerjaan yang biasa-biasa saja, tapi kemudian anda bisa solat tepat waktu, anda bisa solat dhuha, anda mempunyai teman dan lingkungan yang mendukung untuk bisa lebih dekat dgn Allah, anda rajin sedekah walaupun gajinya kecil, itu adalah karunia dari Allah, itu pekerjaan yang menghebatkanmu.


gaji besar, jabatan bagus, tetapi solatnya selalu ditunda karena diperbudak dunia (tugas kantor), lingkungan tidak mendukung untuk bisa mempunyai akhlakul karimah dan beramal soleh; jadi sombong, jadi ngerasa paling hebat, jadi semena-mena, naudzubillah, itu semua hanya sia-sia. tidak barokah.


kalo gaji seadanya, posisi juga biasa saja, tetapi solatnya selalu ditunda dan pekerjaannya tidak membawa kebaikan untuk bekal akhiratnya, itu yang lebih sia-sia.

bersyukur, ketika pekerjaanmu bisa mendekatkanmu dengan Nya,
introspeksi, jika pekerjaanmu memperbudak dunia mu dan menjauhkanmu dari Nya."

Lalu saya terdiam, saya melihat kepada keadaan pekerjaan saya yang sekarang.

  • Gaji saya biasa saja--dibandingkan dengan teman teman lain di Jakarta yang sudah punya pengalaman 1 tahun bekerja, tetapi untuk sekelas Bandung, saya bersyukur bisa mendapatkan gaji yg sekarang, asuransi di cover, makan siang juga difasilitasi kantor.
  • Kantor tempat saya bekerja bukan perusahaan yg sudah berdiri puluhan atau ratusan tahun seperti perusahaan teman teman saya yang sudah established sekian lama--saya startup, baru berdiri 3 tahun. Jumlah karyawannya juga bukan ribuan atau ratusan masih puluhan. Tetapi karena masih develop, saya bisa belajar banyak hal, saya bisa kesana kemari belajar beberapa ilmu; marcomm/marketing/sales/bahkan sedikit mengenai IT (dikittt hahaha). Karena jumlah karyawan yang masih berjumlah puluhan, disini tingkat kekeluargaan kami menjadi tinggi. Lebih bisa menjadi dekat dengan satu sama lain, lebih bisa bonding dan mempunyai teman, beneran teman kantor ya, bukan cuma 'rekan' kantor :)
  • Lokasi kantor saya juga bukan di pusat kota, bukan di pinggir jalan raya besar, bukan di gedung menjulang tinggi belasan lantai. Kantor saya di perumahan, gedung 3 lantai yang dimiliki oleh CEO saya sendiri. Bersyukurnya, karena di perumahan, suasana kantornya tenang, tidak ada macet, dan dingin karena berada di dataran tinggi. Bersyukurnya lagi, gedung kantornya juga unik, dan tidak memiliki lift/eskalator, jadi alhamdulillah bisa sekalian olahraga kalo naik turun lantai satu sampai lantai 3 :D
  • Yang lebih membuat saya bersyukur, lingkungan kantor saya mendukung untuk bisa lebih istiqomah dalam mendekatkan diri kepada Nya. Perlahan saya mulai mengganti semua celana bahan/jeans menjadi rok, perlahan menggunakan kaos kaki, perlahan mulai menggunakan kerudung lebar. Alhamdulillah kantor saya tidak ada masalah untuk itu semua. Selain itu, jarak dari kantor saya ke masjid juga dekat, jalan kaki 2 menit sampai. Dan ada beberapa teman kantor yg rutin kesana, ontime. Setia mendatangi panggilan Nya dan meninggalkan pekerjaannya setiap adzan dzuhur dan ashar berkumandang. Saya jadi terbawa dan suka ikutan, dan mulai mengajak teman wanita di kantor juga untuk bergabung, alhamdulillah, indah rasanya.
  • Lokasi kantor saya juga dekat dengan kampus, 10 menit naik motor, alhamdulillah.
Jadi, terlepas dari beberapa point kekurangan pekerjaan saya, saya jauh lebih bisa melihat karunianya, barokahnya. Terima kasih Aa telah mengingatkan saya yang masih perlu banyak belajar ini.

Pernah sesekali saya merasa jenuh dan bosan, ingin rasanya pindah ke perusahaan yg sudah establish besar di ibu kota (seperti dahulu) tetapi kadang saya berfikir:

jika ingin bekal akhiratnya menang banyak, nikmat dunianya kecil.
jika nikmat dunia menang banyak, bekal akhiratnya kecil.
untuk balance itu susah.

kalaupun ada yang bisa balance, mashaa allah, luar biasa, saya akan iri dengannya dan tolong ajarkan saya bagaimana cara membaginya :')

Untuk saat ini, saya masih bersyukur dengan pekerjaan dan karunia yang Allah telah berikan, jauh lebih bisa mendekatkan saya denganNya, Inshaa Allah. 

Bagaimana dengan pekerjaan anda? mari terus introspeksi agar bisa menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik lagi di mata ILLAHI, Bismillah :)


Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Little Wings Cafe & Library


    Last Wednesday when we had one day-off due to Islamic New Year 1437 H, me and my dorm mate, Kiki, went to a small, pretty place called Little Wings Cafe & Library. Since 2 years ago I knew this place, and finally I got a chance to visit this place, yaey!

Oh anyway, we accidentally wore the same pink hijab ;)

    The whole places were a good spot to take pictures, that's why there are a lot of people who did prewed photography here, or even photoshoot for magazine, etc etc.

    The foods were good and the price was quiet cheap (but 15% tax+service), a lot of novels to read, nice music backsound, a good combination to chill. 
    Look how we enjoyed our day off that much! Pardon my silly face :'D

Thank you LWCL, will definitely come again next time! :)

    Little Wings Cafe & Library
    Address: JL. Cigadung Raya Barat No. 2 RT01 RW03, Cibeunying Kaler, Jawa Barat. Phone:(022) 82522652. Hours: 12-9pm

*** KC

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Vietnam Part III - Ho Chi Minh

Continuing this post Vietnam Part II

Went back to Ho Chi Minh / Hanoi and spent the rest of my holiday at this city.
Arrived in Hanoi almost evening and directly searched for a hostel around district 1 for backpacker. I got one, at Thien Hong. My rules for searching for the hostel are price is number one, clean, wifi, toilet inside. And for Thien Hong the price and the room was very good. Pay for about VND 180.000 / $8 at that time.

After took a bath, I went outside to have dinner, took a night walk around the district, and scrolled around the city. Anyway, the hostel location was in a small alley, full of middle-low home residences. But I like this feeling, I felt like i'm in Indonesia because the people are nice. I love talking to the chef, and she was very nice.
I ate sticky rice, a super delicious food I have ever eaten in Vietnam hahaha. After that, I walked near Hanoi famous building to see a night market. Took a pict with the roving police, bought a coconut drink from a lovely women, met Mr Phi and my aiesec friend, and at 11pm went back to the hostel because I was so tired and sleepy.

The next day,
I moved to another hostel because my room has no longer empty (booked by another visitor), and I got one at Mimi Backpacker Hostel, my favorite hostel in Saigon. The price around $7 and include breakfast. The family owner was verrry humble! the hostel was clean, and with wifi. Aaand the owner has a grandchild and he is supa cuteeeee >.<
Done check-in, I asked people where can I rent a motorbike, because I wanted to go around city and visit some places in Hanoi. I got one motorbike, yay!
"Did you know that Vietnam’s roads are amongst the most dangerous in the world with more than 14,000 deaths per year caused by traffic accidents? According to Ho Chi Minh City reporter and regular motorcycle commuter Nghiem Cuong, if you can get a handle for traffic in Vietnam, you can manage anywhere.
“If you can drive a car or bike in Vietnam, you can drive anywhere in the world,” Mr Cuong says. The first thing to understand that it moves like water in a stream around a stone. The trick is not to do anything erratic - stopping is just as dangerous as moving too quickly. Vietnamese people are used to slowly moving around pedestrians so any unexpected movements may make things difficult for everyone."

My Last Day in Vietnam

At bus station, waiting for a bus to airport
See you when I see you again, Vietnam!

Arrived in SG for transit, hello again SG!

Vietnam Trip 5days/4nights
Flight jkt-vietnam-jkt$170 1700000
Hostel Hideout / 1 night$6 60000
Thien Hong Guesthouse / 1 night$8 80000
Mimi Backpacker Hostel / 1 night$7 70000
Guest House in Mui Ne / 1 night$9 90000
Rent jeep in Mui Ne 5 hours$12 120000
4 tourism places in Mui Ne$2 20000
Bus Hanoi-Mui Ne-Hanoi$10 10000
Rent Motorbike$5 50000
Meals 4 days, each $5$20 200000
Total Expenses2400000
Expense exclude flight ticket700000
Consider 1USD = 10k at that time

Look, I just spent less than 3 million rupiah for a very good trip to Vietnam!
I was the happiest kid aliveeeee :'D
