Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Current Lyfe

Current Lyfe with Y instead of I just because I miss Y (ea)

Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Oh Hi again! :-----D

I am not good at telling stories, but I still want to share some stories about my current thoughts.

Points are so me, so here you go:
  1. I am at the point where I believe Allah so much, I believe He is indeed Maha Pembolak Balik Hati Manusia. I have never been at this level before, and turned out that was what made my heart peacefully calm anytime, alhamdulillah.
  2. I am now becoming jr manager for my department, alhamdulillah, but I still need to learn more tho, wish me luck!
  3. Japan is still a top list country where I need to visit next year! Bismillah.
  4. Talking about marriage (in which some friends of my age were married already) just pray that I will get married soon, InsyaAllah aamiin. Now I am trying so hard to become a good wife for my future husband later.
  5. I will continue my 3rd term on August aaand will start writing my thesis on February 2017. I hope all the plans go smooth, aamiin.
  6. InsyaAllah I will go for Hajj this upcoming August, with my Ayah Umi and my sister Ka Nani. Can't hardly wait bismillah ya Allah.
  7. I have a new nephew, number 15, yes, fifteen. My dad is now having 15 grand childrens MasyaAllah :o)
  8. Besides travelling and watching movies, I also love watching tv series, american tv series. The 1st tv series was HIMYM, then The Blacklist, then Arrow, then The Flash, then Lie to Me. So in total I have 5 favs tv series. This is actually a dilemma, I know I shud be ukhti-er than ever, I shud start leaving all those 'duniawi' stuffs, but change takes time right?
  9. I have finally tried halal Samyang noodle omg omg omg so happy! hahaha. To get the halal Samyang, I need to order online from *o*o**dia and they need to import tho, no pain no gain no? hahaha. To get the halal Samyang is difficult, the one that is availbale on the market is without halal logo so yes I don't want to try that one. Never. Turned out, Samyang noodle IS PRETTY HAWTTTTT omg my tongue was burnt!
  10. I have a small business project together with my college friend which we both selling iphone case online by Instagram, a good way for me to start learning to become an entrepreneur, yaey! Mas Imam, my business partner, is actually a real entrepreneur since he already owned tech shop at Baltos and Dago, so I wish I could learn entre skills from him. ((..........................and surprisingly, having my own business feels sooooo gewd eventho only small, pretty small, hahahaha. I hope someday I could be more serious and focus to become the real entrepreneur aamiin)).
Here you go, my not-so-serious-business project (but hopefully become big someday) named IKEBA.STORE, yippey!

So yazzz now I have 3 roles in my life; an office worker, a master student, and an entrepreneur. Sounds so difficult to handle all at once, but InsyaAllah I can go thru it. Please pray for me, Bismillah!


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