Jumat, 15 Juli 2016

Idul Fitri 1437 H, alhamdulillah :--)

Hi folks! (folks) ((folks)) (((abege banget w)))

Okay first of all, I can't be as schweet as any other ukhti ukhti out there (at least for now). I want to be as expressive as the way I am. But no worries, I will keep trying to be the schweetest one tho, no matter how, always become a better muslimah each day is the top priority of all, InsyaAllah, aamiin!

Anyway, Happy Eid Mubarak 1437H evewyoneeeeeeee :o)

So few weeks ago, we were celebrating Idul Fitri (I hope this is my last Idul Fitri of being single, I wish next year I could celebrate Idul Fitri with my husband, aamiin! hahaha wey semangat amat)

Here are some snapsss

Full Squad H.M Djahi and Hj. Siti Rogaya's Daughters

Bonus selfie dikala kemacetan
((semoga taun depan ga cuma selfie sendiri tapi udah sama suami ea))

Anyway! Alhamdulillah, this was my 2nd Idul Fitri without having any boyfriend which meant, this has been 2 years I didn't involve in any kind of haram-relationship (what so called pacaran) with any man, woohooo! I am feeling so 'pure' feeling so grateful, feeling so 'clean', alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah ya Allah. Do you wanna know how it feels to not scratch any sins/maksiat during no-pacaran period? Psssst here I tell ya, BAHAGIA TIADA TARAAAAAAAAA ALHAMDULILLAH :-------DDD

Speaking of which, I have this one older brother, well, he is my unbiological brother (my one and only biogical brother was passed away when I was 15).
I call my unbiological brother with 'Ka Uphat', and I have considered him as my own brother. Literally as my own, so plz don't be jealous no? hahaha.
This is us when we were attending book exhibition

Anyway, he broke up with his girlfriend around January, and I was so happy.

No no no no, I wasn't  happy over the suffering of others, NO.

I was happy because turned out Allah loves him very muchhhh and wanted my brother to stop doing any sins with his girlfriend, and yazzzzzzzzzzzz that was actually a true blessings. Seriously people, you shud be very happy with that.

He was act like me before, put his girlfriend number 1 in his heart, more than Allah, more than anything. Fully dominated by lust, CRAP. TOTAL CRAP.

So yes, we talked a lot about eeeeeeverything, he kept asking me many things; how come I did hijrah, how can I move on or move up, how I become so happy without any boyfriend, etc etc until I got bored and tired by answering his questions hahahaha kidding brah. And yaz finally, he is now becoming a better person, a soleh ones (aamiin). From what I can see, he changed a lot, and I couldn't be any happier than that, alhamdulillah!

And his ex girlfriend is having a new boyfriend tho, so yes, time to totally move up brah!

Hold on, back to the topic.

So when we were celebrate Idul Fitri, I asked him:
me: "seneng ga 'bersih' lebaran sekarang? ea"
him: "iya lebaran ini beda banget sama yang sebelumnya, ehm btw gw khatam dong"

ya Allah alhamdulillah seneng banget dengernya!!!! :""""""""")

(btw kalimat yang terakhir agak sombong tapi gapapalah kapan lagi yang disombongin abang gw begituan HAHA)

In short, all I am trying to say is, I am very happy with my 2 latest Idul Fitri,  feelin much pure and clean alhamdulillah. Before that, I was like a hypocrite person, munafik ones. I did fasting on ramadhan, celebrated Idul Fitri, but then I kept creating sins with my past astagfirullahaladzim how poor I was at that time, ya Allah maafin masa masa jahiliyah pas Chacu pernah pacaran :""

Now just in case you are wondering, alhamdulillah I'm feelin MUCH MUCH MUCH pure, clean, and of course, happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Therefore, for you who still in a haram-relationship or what so called pacaran, I strongly suggest you to break up, tobat, then move up. Because I believe you will be happier && cleaner than ever! Allah loves you, so what else does matter?

..............................Or you could have another option besides break up which is; marry her/him. If you can't marry him/her despite of you still need to do this and that, this and that, this and that; so BETTER STOP your haram relationship from now. Because Allah SWT puts ridho ONLY to halal relationship which is marriage. Yaz, better we prepare ourselves to become a good husband/wife later than to involve in haram-relationship (which Allah is not ridho), who's with moiiiiiiiiiii?  (me me me me me me me) ((alhamdulillah ;))

Yuk lagi lagi Chacu ga akan pernah boseeeeeen mau ngajak kalian kalian buat:






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