Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

It's a process. Change takes time.

June 24th 2015
Hello again, June 24th! :))

Everytime someone (mostly my 'gesrek' friend said something bad) I reaaally wanted to say something bad also, anjir, for example.

You know what, replacing a word anjir into Astagfirullah was very hard!
But now i'm starting to reduce the use of bad words.
If I said anjir inadvertently, I will add Astagfirullah after that.
But If I remember, I will try to replace that anjir with Astagfirullah first.
It's difficult, but doesn't me that I can't.

Always starts changing from a simple thing. 
Hijrah is not pushing you to be 100% changed rapidly.

If you usually didn't pray, start to pray 1 time (magrib is the easiest one)
If you pray only 1 time, start to pray 2 times
Over and over again until praying 5 times is your new "hobby"
Think again, God gives you health/money/lovely family/good friends/good job, and what is your response to show your gratitude to God?

If you still hard to pray 5 times, dzikr alhamdulillah.
If you still hard to do dzikr, give sodaqoh.
If you still hard to give sodaqoh, be kind to everyone.
If you still do nothing, naudzubillah :"

It's also the same with reading Quran.
If you can't read 1 full page, read a half, if you still hard to do it, try only 1 ayat.
It takes only few seconds, but God opens a door of heaven for you.

I believe you can keep scrolling down looking at Instagram feeds for an hour, path for every minutes, line for every seconds.
What don't you give it a try to slowly give only one minute to read quran, 10 minutes to pray, a second to do dzikr? especially on this holy month, Ramadhan.

Subhanallah. Isn't is so great?
I have been there and done that. I'vee been through the darkest time of my life.
Pretty hard to do it, but again, hijrah takes time, needs progress.
I have passed that and now I want to do it more, Inshaa Allah.
I will send my doa for all of you, and please pray for my hijrah too.
  • AND IF, someday I'm not getting better each day, if I was just saying but not implementing it, please slap me right in my face, please mad at me, please screaming at me saying "you are such a liar"
but I will try my very best not to do that.
Bismilllah ya Allah please create the easy path for me to be always close to You.

Amin Allahumma Amin.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Assalamualaikum Ukhti!

June 23th, 2015

One post to mark one of my pending writing list about some of my #officeattire

Hey the old me,
I'm starting to use skirt to wherever I am. 
Starting to buy any kind of skirt instead of jeans.
Starting to be a real 'woman'
Starting to leave that 'tomboy' you inside a new me.
I'm on my way to be a better version of me everyday. Inshaa Allah.
Please #prayforchacu to keep istiqomah! Amin!

Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Let's move up!

June 19th, 2015

Some of you might have known about move up, some of you didn't.
Move up is different from move on, hundred levels higher than move on.
Move up is a condition when you want to be closer with God, Allah SWT.
Move up is when you want to be a better version of you because of Allah, not because of someone.
Move up is a condition when you think you are full of sins and you want to erase it by getting closer with God. Move up is a condition when you give 100% of you to Allah SWT, no one else in your heart except Allah SWT.

Who the hell is someone writing this, I don't think this is Chacu?!?!?!

Well this is me, a new me :)

Don't ask me how many sins i have made during my 23 years of life.
Don't ask me whether i have ever been in a relationship with someone or not, yes I had, 4 times.
Don't ask me what was my biggest sins, only God knows and I feel so shame about that, all the time.

See, I'm not saying that i'm not a hypocrite, yes I am, yes I was.
I knew that God hates me for what I have been doing previously, I knew that it's hard for God to accept a new me, like, I have dissappointed God for many times, million times.

But, here I am now,
Starting to move on, even more than that, to move up.

I knew that Allah still wanted me to be closer with Him, I knew that God still loves me even I had milllions of sins, I knew that God trying so hard to take me back to His way.

And yes, He was the one who separates me with someone whom I love the most--who fullfilling my entire heart for the past 1.5 years.

Since me and my ex boyfriend broke up, still, i'm trying to have him back, because I knew that I was the one who had a lot of mistakes to him, I was struggling to prove that i'm changed, I was struggling to prove that I am still in love with him, etc, etc. But, he kept rejects me. He changed into someone that I don't even know who is he.

God works in a mysterious way. One of them is changing my ex boyfriend feelings towards me.
There is no way for us to getting back together.

Did you feel sad Chacu? Yes I was.
But then everytime I think of it, I think that God looooveeessss me that much. Right?

First, He made us broke up 
Second, He changed my ex's feelings
Third, He started to put hidayah to my self, to be closer with Him

One of my friend named Amelia Yurika said, the key for move up is I need to have no boyfriend first.
And yes, she was true. Because If I still have one, my priority is him, not Allah SWT.
I kept depend on my ex, not Allah.
I kept doing any sins (because I put God at 2nd place, which is not right).

I'm not trying to teach you because i'm not your religious teacher nor your religious consultant.
I just want to share my hiijrah times. I just want to share that my turn is earlier than any of you (who still has boyfriend/girlfriend), I hope you could start moving up just like me.

Think of this; do you still think that God allows you to be in a relationship before akad? before Ijab Qobul?
Do you think that God gives you ridho for your relationship? please ukhtifillah think again, thousand times.

"Whatever your answer is, that's only excuses. Not even a single goodness for having a relationship before akad" said a friend of mine. Yes, she was true.

I still can have a sharing partner, Him. Allah SWT.
I still can pray to the One and only Almightly God who has this universe, who arranges everything in this universe, who can do everything beyond your boyfriend can do.
I still can be happy, even thousand times happier because I no longer do sins, no more galau because he didn't texted me or called me (blah), no more sad because I know that I have Allah with me.
Allah protects me. Allah will give everything I need instead of everything I want. 

Allah knows better for my future, Allah loves me, what else can I ask?
That's more than enough.

Allah loves me, Allah loves me, Allah loves me very much.

And now i'm starting to love Him back.

For now, I will keep my feeling to someone that God has prepared for me, who will ask directly to my father to marry me, I won't have that kind of relationship before Ijab Qabul, Inshaa Allah.

"Mari senantiasa memantaskan diri, bukankah suami adalah cerminan diri kita. Jika kita menginginkan suami soleh, jadikanlah diri ini wanita yang sholehah, selalu senantiasa cinta kepadaNya"

It's hard, pretty hard. I need your doa for my hijrah times, to keep istiqomah all the time.

But all I know is that Allah will walk a thousand steps closer to hug me even I got only 1 step closer to him.
Isn't it amazing? Masya Allah.

You can laugh at me because you won't believe me, but what matter is God loves me, and I will try my best to love Him back. Inshaa Allah.

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim.................................... Let's move up!

***I post this as a self reminder for me, everytime I feel so hard to keep istiqomah then I just can simply read this. You're stronger than you think you are Chacu! Allah loves you!

Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

This is so me!

May, 2015

The other day I asked one of my lovely friend named Afi about her working life at a startup company, because I have the same condition with her;

1. we're young and cool (teehee!)
2. we are working at IT company which is startup company
3. we both work as a marketing/business development
4. we face the facts that somehow people underestimated us for working at a startup company

I felt like i found my twins! hahahaha. and after i saw her blog posting about this condition I was like Ya Allah.... THIS IS SO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked her again that i want to repost her writing (because yes that was sooo me! plus, i'm such a lazy person to write the same "story" just like her hehehehe). And she was like..... 'yes you can :D'

So here it is.......
Original post by: Prahariezka Arfienda https://findyourstruly.wordpress.com/2014/10/08/starting-up-with-start-up/#more-427
"Starting up with startup"
Hari ini, gue akan cerita sedikit tentang suka duka…hmmm wait. Bukan suka duka sih. Tapi, challenges and happiness, yang gue alami selama bekerja di start-up company.
Kenapa gue gak mau sebut suka duka? Karena kalo duka itu—well I don’t know, it’s just me. Kesannya kok kayak sedih, gundah gulana, galau, dan miserable. While, gue—alhamdulillah, sujud syukur—so far gak merasakan hal seperti itu.
Well…buckle up, lads! Let’s start!
Gue rasa, udah hal yang wajar ketika lo baru lulus kuliah, kemudian tuntutan dari orang tua, keluarga, oma, opa, pakde, bude, om, tante, ponakan, adek, kakak (ebuset rebek amat yak. Gak Pak RT aja sekalian?). Yah intinya, orang-orang (baca: literally orang-orang sejagat raya dan luar angkasa), akan expect lo buat bekerja di tempat yang ada prestige nya. Perusahaan di mana ketika satu kali lo sebut namanya, orang-orang langsung bilang ‘wah keren!’, atau ‘Oh, perusahaan yang bikin sesuatu itu ya?’, ‘Oh company A yang itu ya!’, atau mungkin ‘ih hebat banget kamu’. Atau yang lebih ekstrim lagi, ‘wah gajinya gede dong? udah sukses dong? anak tante single lho! kamu mau gak tante jodohin sama dia…’ (Untuk pernyataan terakhir, jika lo laki-laki yang mendapat pertanyaan seperti itu dan ternyata anak temen nyokap lo itu secakep Chelsea Islan, HAJAR! Bagi para wanita, seandainya objek itu seganteng Andrew Garfield tapi dia gak pinter nyari duit, JANGAN MAU!).
Anyway, kayaknya sih udah kodratnya tuntutan itu akan selalu ada. Apalagi ketika lo bergelar S1 atau S2. Yang notabene biaya kuliahnya gak sedikit. Wedeeeehhh…pasti ada deh itu tuntutan ‘balik modal’. Maksudnya di sini itu, ya ada tuntutan di mana gaji lo diusahakan haruslah lebih gede dari semesteran lo. Pas kuliah (UHUK!)
Gue yakin yang kuliahnya mahal tapi gajinya belom pada mencapai target, pasti langsung gak napsu makan begitu baca ini. HAHA! Tenang, you are not alone kok. Woles aja. Ada ribuan orang yang senasib di luar sana. Gak usah khawatir.
Maka, streotipe seperti itulah yang pada akhirnya mengantar ribuan fresh graduate untuk berbondong-bondong menyambangi job fair, career days, dan bursa usaha lainnya. Buat apa? Ya buat apa lagi kalo bukan nyari kerjaan di tempat yang katanya prestisius itu.
Gue? Well yeah, almost one year a go, you would find me strolling around, wander among the crowd of the holy-superb-fully-crowded job fair. Udah gak tau lagi berapa banyak CV yang gue sebar. Udah gak paham lagi berapa email yang gue kirim ke berbagai email dengan address hrd@…..co.id. Nongkrongin laptop siang malem sampe bego nungguin email balesan, HP standby 24 jam nunggu telepon panggilan tes atauinterviewOne, two, three, and some interviews. One, two, three, and some more ‘BELUM LOLOS’ mails. One, two, three, and some other ‘UNDANGAN TEST’ messages. 
And BAM! There! I fell down to the pit. Pit of failures, at that point when I was hopelessly giving up with all the rejections from those large companies. Haduh berasa dodol banget gue, kenapa sampe bisa ditolakin segitu banyaknya perusahaan. (Ada yang senasib? Kita tos dulu yuk! *high five*!)
Until one day, di sebuah job fair yang entah ke sekian berapa kalinya gue masuki, God showed me his mercy. Gue gak tau apa yang membuat gue tergerak untuk drop CV di sebuah perusahaan yang gue bahkan belum pernah denger namanya. Belum pernah lihat logonya. Dan belum pernah gue temukan social media-nya.
Basically, ini adalah sebuah start-up company. And when I said startup company, it was literally starting up the business. Barely start for one year. Even the employees were less than 10. 
It was far from my dream. When I graduated, I always pictured myself in the future as a girl who started her career in the early-twenty at some prestigious company. Walking around some cool buildings in an exclusive business district. That kind of stuffs. 
Tapi setelah nyemplung ke start up companyI have to admit. It captivated me. And I’m in love with one of the guy in the office how the business runs. 
Bagi gue, start up company adalah tempat paling ideal untuk belajar tentang dunia kerja, and the real business world. Luckily, perusahaan gue bergerak di bidang IT yang dituntut serba cepat. Dan ketika gue ngejalanin kerjaan gue, ngeliat semua pergerakan bisnis dari A-Z, gue merasa kayak butiran debu. As if semua yang gue pelajari selama 3.5 tahun di bangku kuliah itu cuma seujung kuku. Beberapa teori muncul dan literally dipraktekkin. Tapi, banyak juga praktek yang gue jalani tanpa teori. Learning by doings, trial and errors. Those kind of things.
Tapi itu yang menarik. Gue dicekokin berbagai macam ‘pelajaran’. Dan gue sadar, rencana Tuhan pasti selalu yang terbaik. Tuhan lebih tahu apakah gue siap atau gak buat ditempatin di perusahaan berskala besar. Dan terbukti, gue masih harus lebih amat sangat banyak belajar. Dan gue bersyukur, beberapa bulan lalu Tuhan mengarahkan kaki gue ke booth start up company ini, dan membimbing tangan gue untuk drop CV di sana.It was a gift.
Apa lagi, pekerjaan gue mengharuskan gue bertemu dengan banyak orang. Gue harus bertemu dengan berbagai jenis client dengan sifat yang berbeda-beda. Sometimes, gue bisa dibikin down. Dibikin semangat. Dibikin annoyed. Atau dibikin seneng. Tapi point nya satu: selalu ada pelajaran berharga dari setiap orang yang gue temui.
Gak cuma itu aja, karena gue kerja di perusahaan yang bergerak di dunia IT, kami dituntut untuk bergerak cepat. Karena teknologi itu gerak terus setiap saat. Hari ini lo bisa lihat sebuah inovasi baru. Beberapa jam kemudian, udah ada kompetitor baru yang dibahas di artikel salah satu majalah. Gila sih emang. Speed nya gak nyante, Tapi, justru itu tantangannya. Lo dipaksa buat bekerja dan berpikir cepat. Kreatif, above all. Dan harus udah nyiapin solving seperti apa yang akan dilakukan ketika ada sebuah masalah.
Satu hal di start-up company yang jarang lo temui di perusahaan yang udah established: lo diberi hak, kewajiban, dan kebebasan untuk belajar sendiriJust you and the whole new lessons. You are the teacher of your own. Gak ada mentor yang ngajarin, Pelajaran langsung lo dapet dari lapangan, atau dari diskusi dan komplain dari bos lo. Well ya, literally dari bos lo langsung, Karena untuk beberapa start-up, antara bos dan karyawan nyaris gak ada jarak.
Hal menyenangkan lain yang bisa lo dapat ketika lo kerja di start-up company yang rulesnya agak nyantai adalah: you can dress pretty much whatever you want. AND I LOVE THIS! I can dress casually, wearing boots or sneakers. I can pull formal business attire combined with casual accessories. Bagi gue yang hobi mix and match, my office is my runway. And my friends never mind it. And I’m glad!
Anyway, hidup gak seru kalo gak ada tantangannya. Begitu juga dengan kerja di start-up company. So here’s the challenges. Karena jumlah employee yang belum banyak, jangan heran kalo lo harus merangkap beberapa pekerjaan. Hari ini, gue bisa aja diem di kantor dan mikirin copy-write yang tepat buat website atau apps. Gak lama kemudian, gue akan keliling-keliling dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya untuk meeting sama orang,convince mereka  buat pake produk kita. Gue juga harus mikirin gimana caranya bisa ngejar target jumlah downloader dalam waktu yang udah ditentukan. Lalu gimana caranya buat promote poduk kita ke orang-orang.
When you heard it, it seems hard. When you do it, it’s harder than you could imagine. Hahaha! Really! Tapiii, di situlah serunya. When you push yourself to the limit, then you’ll find yourself stand tall, upon your skills and abilities that now increase.
Begitulah start-up. Justru di sini, gue nemuin apa yang gue suka. Apa yang gue mau. Dan apa visi gue ke depannya. Mungkin salary gue gak segede temen-temen gue yang lain, yang kerja di perusahaan skala besar. Tapi, pelajaran dan pengalaman yang gue dapat, itu yang paling penting.
Gue gak tahu sampai kapan gue akan stay di start-up company. Dan gue gak tahu apakah nanti gue akan resign lalu loncat ke perusahaan yang scale nya lebih besar, atau pindah ke start-up company lain. Or even create my own start-up. Yang gue tahu, sekarang gue masih menikmati proses penggemblengan gue di start-up company. Dan gue harus jadi jauh lebih baik setelah beberapa bulan di sini.
Kalo sampe beberapa bulan ke depan kemampuan analisis, problem solving, dan skill lain gue masih sama-sama aja kayak pas gue masih kuliah…please slap yours truly over here hard on her face!
So, how was it lads? Buat kalian yang lagi galau, gue sih berani saranin kalo start up company is worth to try to start your career. Well, resikonya mungkin, saat lo ketemu sama orang-orang dan kasih tau mereka lo kerja di mana, mereka mungkin akan mengernyit. And they’ll give you that ‘apaan-sih-itu-kok-gue-baru-denger’ sight. Tapi, betapa bangganya lo ketika lo menjadi salah satu orang yang membuat perusahaan lo dalam jangka waktu beberapa tahun ke depan dikenal. Dan reaksi orang ketika lo nyebutin start-up tempat lo mengawali karir lo adalah ‘Oh! Iya gue tau! Wow man, that’s awesome!‘.
Being a follower is good. But being a pioneer, it’s indeed great and challenging!
What a great post Afi! I couldn't agree more!

Ramadhan Kareem :)

June, 18th 2015

I posted some sort of short story on Path yesterday night, after doing my first teraweh of this  year's Ramadhan:

"Balik kantor buru buru siap siap ke masjid buat dapet teraweh pertama.
Sendirian jalan kaki ke masjid daerah hegarmanah, sampe masjid rame bgt ngerasa asing sendirian...

Naik ke bagian ibu ibu ga kenal lgsg gue salamin satu satu sambil senyum.
Ditanyain "baru tinggal disini neng? Kuliah dimana?" Etc etc.
Terus pas udah ngambil tempat, pas udah mau solat tetiba air mata netes... kangen ayah umi kangen rumah kangen terawehan sebelah umi :"(

Pulang jalan kaki sendirian ke kosan, siapin makanan buat masak saur sendirian.
Bakalan berat banget puasa tahun ini semua ngurus sendiri, tapi inshaa allah berkah :'))

Marhaban ya Ramadhan...
Mohon maaf lahir batin semuanya, maafin kalo Chacu banyak salah ya..
Semoga kerja dan kesibukan kita di Ramadhan tahun ini ga menghalangi ibadah kita biar makin lancar, dan semoga diberkahi semua amal ibadah kita, Amin allahumma amin..."

Happy fasting to all moslem in the world! :')

Just a dust of afternoon thoughts

June 18th, 2015

I have a looooot of ideas on my mind that i wanted to post on this blog, but laziness comes first everytime i want to write. Like i told you. i wanted to post my traveling journey, but ended up I was posting about my exchange experience (continuing my post in ..................2012!!!). But who cares anyway, i'm the only one who will read this blog though. 

Still have  some lists that i want to post:
1. life changing experience to china
2. my current working life
3. my 'move up'/ 'hijrah' times, marhaban ya ramadhan :)
4. my #officeattire at the office (hahaha)
5. my traveling journey

If you found that my blog is not well arranged, has a messy plots (current-latepost-current-throwback) that makes you (even me) confused, i feel sorry. But the point is, i still want to write and throw up my feelings my experiences; everything. That's the goals.

"To write, is to have a lifetime memories that even when you can't tell, people can read it and feel it"--Khoirunnisa Chacu -_-

Anyhow, marhaban ya ramadhan! today is the first day of fasting, be good and do good, God counts every deeds we made. Let's spread the loveeee! 

Love letter--literally love!

Continuing my old post about my exchange project in China (June 2012)

Before I left Ruian High School, I asked my students in class 9 to write a letter for me.
I asked them to write anything about me, literally everything. Their opinion about me, their advice, anything. And here are some letters that i've got, how can I not love them? :""") 

My all time favorite!!! Zara is very good at drawing! I believe someday she will be a famous designer!

Erica, the active girl in class! her drawing is so lovely i can't help it :"")

Another gold drawing from Erica. She drawed me, souvenir that I gave to her, our flags and she puts a lovely words <3 nbsp="">

Jack is very creative! :'D that was meee with my forever laptop hahaha

"The days we spent together at first when I see you, I find you’re very funny, you can use your funny body language, give us the happy. Now, you're going to leave, I will miss you forever. I can’t forget your smile, your game, your song and many many thing. So Chacu we all like you and will miss you forever!" Emily

"You are the most original teacher. I will remember you forever :”( Don’t leave us. You are a good teacher, of course you are our best friend. I believe every one in our class will love you forever! Don’t leave us!!!" Rick

"Your class is interesting and you’re lovely, you make me know more things about your country. We’ll love you forever. I won’t forget the time that spend with you. I hope you can be happy at any time" Gaby

"Time goes by quickly. You will leave us tomorrow and maybe we want meet again, but i think i’ii remember you forever. Your classes are really interesting though I can’t understand some words. I'm sure you are a good teacher. First, you are friendly with us. Next you always play games with us and make classes more interesting. Also, you often encourage us to be brave and express ourselves. That’s very cool. In a word, we will miss you". Crystal

"We live and study together these days. Thanks for your original teaching skills. My classmates and I can be good friends quickly. With the help of you, we can open up our eyes to the outside world. It’s so kind of you to teach us as much as you can and now we have to leave. What a pity! But I want to say english is so amazing that it can connect different cultures. And we meet in Ruian, Wenzhou in the summer. At last, I want to sent some words toy ou. Don’t give up your dream, just keep on chasing your dream. Don’t forget me!! ^v^" Mark

"I think you are our friends rather than a strict teacher. You are very cute. Sometimes you are very funny. You have many new ideas. You play with us. I think it’s really interesting. These days I learn a lot. And I’m very happy! I hope you happy in China!"

"Teacher, you are really really great. I love you very much. You are the most lovely teacher I have ever seen. I’m very glad to be your student. Although you may be do not know me, I still want to say “thanks” to you. Thanks to your help, I can be more and more outgoing. These day, I improve my spoken english and listening quickly because of you. I’m really really like you! I’m very sad because I really don;t want you to leave. At last, I hope you can smile and happy everyday! >.<"  Ice

"I love you forever" Cindy

"I think you are very kind and active teacher. I like your classes, because we get a lot of happiness. You can always make us laugh. Twelve days passes too quickly. It is really bad that you will leave tomorrow. I will miss you L this is an exciting experience. I have never met a foreigner in such a close distance. I can’t forget it. I wish you can have a great time in China. I hope you can go to our school next time!" Raise

"Dear teacher, i’m really happy to get on with you. In my eyes, you’re the best foreign teacher, because you bring the happiness to us. And you let us know more great songs. But I really dislike dancing. So you know please don;t make us dance. In the end, I donlt want you leave us. Ruian High School’s students love you forever!" Miller

"I hope you can like China and learn more chinese. Also, I hope you can eat food in different places of China. Because different places have different food in China. All of them are delicious!"

"Dear Chacu when I meet you first time, I think you are very cute and a little shy. You always say “Oh My God” or “cool”, even though I don’t know this means but I think it’s the way for you to communicate with us. In your class, I fell very happy. Your class makes my summer camp lessons become more colorful. I hope you can keep happy everyday". Lisa

"I miss you so much
Although this picture is not beautiful enough but i am really love you so much, you are cute and funny, oh my god you are beautiful...." Vicky

"Thanks for teaching us these days. You ae very cute and funny. You can always make us laugh and happy.  You are the best we will remember we have ever had such a great foreign teacher called Chacu forever. You are always our lovely friend. Best wishes to you dear friend. Hope we can meet again one day." Joy

"You know, being away is the symbol of start. Don't be sad and fear. You will meet someone now for even better than us. These day, thank you for staying with us. Our spoken english must have improve a lot. And we have  a lot of fun. I can give you nothing but  a wish, to be happy forever. Tears are in my eyes, but I won’t let it out. Saying goodbye without crying or shouting is" Mike

"Thanks for teaching us these days. You ae very cute and funny. You can always make us laugh and happy.  You are the best we will remember we have ever had such a great foreign teacher called Chacu forever. You are always our lovely friend. Best wishes to you dear friend. Hope we can meet again one day". Joy

"Dear Chacu, i know i am not good at drawing pictures. I hope you can stand this pictures. I like you very much. Because you’re active, kind, and cute.  (don’t be shy, beleive it). Although you will leave us we will miss you. And we will miss these days we together. I hope you can find your boyfriend early!" J dave

"Dear Chacu:
These days we feel tired but happy, tired s because of the difficult homework from our teachers, happy is because of you. Most chinese students are really shy, but these days I think I am more outgoing than before. That’s because of you. You are so interesting and active that we can always smile in your class everyday. We all like you very much". Richard, Pan Wei

"I like you and your classes. I heard you would return to your country  the day after tomorrow. I’m sure I will miss you". Judy

"Dear Chacu, you are a really kind and funny friend, not only a teacher, just a good friend around us. You are so great and so cool. And now, I can remember everything we did togehther, in classes. We spent a wonderful time with you. We are too sad to say goodbye to you. But we have to. Do you know we all love you very much? I hope you can have a good time in China, don’t forget me! Best wishes". Nicole

"Dear Chacu
These days those I spend with you. I feel really happy. Thanks for your teaching. Interesting class and beautiful songs. We all love you very much because you are very lovely and funny. Next month I am going to  Bali Island for vacation. I really expect the country travel. I know your country is very very beautiful, I want to go as soon as possible. I will miss you!" Sherly

"I have an unforgotton experience. Although it is not long. On the first day, I felt surprised that Chacu would teach us. But during these days I feel happy. Chacu is not very tall. She is a little fat and black. But in my eyes, she is beautiful. During the summer vacation, I sometimes feel bored even want to return home. But because of Chacu I feel happy. Chacu is strange because she always put the scarf on her head. It soon to says goodbye. But I will miss Chacu, thank you Chacu I love you Chacu >_< " Jan

"You are so interesting and cute. You are kind". Mat
"I think you are our friends rather than a strict teacher. You are very cute. Sometimes you are very funny. You have many new ideas. You play with us. I think it’s really interesting. These days I learn a lot. And I’m very happy! I hope you happy in China!"

"I like your classes except the last class, let’s forget it. You’re like a sister, so active, so kind. You’re leaving but you’ll be in my mind forever. When I am lonely and sad, I’ll always think of you, you give me enough encourage to. I only want to say thank you to you. And welcome to come back again! Whenever, remember to be happy forever". Tom

I miss them very much I could even cry right now :""(
God please give me a second chance to meet all my students, Amin!