Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

It's a process. Change takes time.

June 24th 2015
Hello again, June 24th! :))

Everytime someone (mostly my 'gesrek' friend said something bad) I reaaally wanted to say something bad also, anjir, for example.

You know what, replacing a word anjir into Astagfirullah was very hard!
But now i'm starting to reduce the use of bad words.
If I said anjir inadvertently, I will add Astagfirullah after that.
But If I remember, I will try to replace that anjir with Astagfirullah first.
It's difficult, but doesn't me that I can't.

Always starts changing from a simple thing. 
Hijrah is not pushing you to be 100% changed rapidly.

If you usually didn't pray, start to pray 1 time (magrib is the easiest one)
If you pray only 1 time, start to pray 2 times
Over and over again until praying 5 times is your new "hobby"
Think again, God gives you health/money/lovely family/good friends/good job, and what is your response to show your gratitude to God?

If you still hard to pray 5 times, dzikr alhamdulillah.
If you still hard to do dzikr, give sodaqoh.
If you still hard to give sodaqoh, be kind to everyone.
If you still do nothing, naudzubillah :"

It's also the same with reading Quran.
If you can't read 1 full page, read a half, if you still hard to do it, try only 1 ayat.
It takes only few seconds, but God opens a door of heaven for you.

I believe you can keep scrolling down looking at Instagram feeds for an hour, path for every minutes, line for every seconds.
What don't you give it a try to slowly give only one minute to read quran, 10 minutes to pray, a second to do dzikr? especially on this holy month, Ramadhan.

Subhanallah. Isn't is so great?
I have been there and done that. I'vee been through the darkest time of my life.
Pretty hard to do it, but again, hijrah takes time, needs progress.
I have passed that and now I want to do it more, Inshaa Allah.
I will send my doa for all of you, and please pray for my hijrah too.
  • AND IF, someday I'm not getting better each day, if I was just saying but not implementing it, please slap me right in my face, please mad at me, please screaming at me saying "you are such a liar"
but I will try my very best not to do that.
Bismilllah ya Allah please create the easy path for me to be always close to You.

Amin Allahumma Amin.

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