Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Women ai ni, laoshi Chacu!

Continuing my old post about my exchange project in China (June 2012)

There is always a goodbye after every hello :( now I want to tell you a story when I had my last day at the school. My tears were falling so hard that day, I didn't want to say goodbye to them :""""(

I was shocked. When I walked to class 9, Erica (the active girl from class 9) were standing infront of the class alone. And when I got closer to her, she suddenly running to the class and I heard she said "teacher is coming, teacher is coming, get ready!!!"

And when I walked into the room.... they were all standing and they wanted me to see the black board. And look what I found "Chacu we love you"... my tears were falling all of a sudden and they were all singing for me with chinese song! Oh God, I don't want to leave all of them, I want to be their teacher everyday. My tears kept falling so hard, pretty hard. And they kept screaming 'do not cry teacher please don't' and yes, my tears are kept falling even harder :"""""""""""""""")

I love you more my students :""""")

They were really love to make me cry... One boy, a headclass came infront of me and gave me one shirt full of signatures from all the students. "teacher this is for you, from all of us, I hope you love this and you can keep this in your country". Speechless, I felt like i wanted to stay forever in Ruian High School :"""""

My name with a correct letter!

After receiving the gift, I wore the shirt and asked all of the students to take a pict with me, with their free style they could ask to me. And here are the pictures, what a looooovely student i'm in love!!!


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